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Player Report for #70 Freddie Costa
Saturday, October 10th, 2020

 Rec  0-0
 ERA  0.00
 IP  0.0
 BB  0
 K  0
Name:Freddie CostaContract:None
Birthday:01-24-1987Signed Through:
Age:31Years of Major League Service:None, None
Born in:San Pedro Zacapa (Santa Barbara)Major League Service Days this Year:None
Height:6' 2"Years on 40-Man Roster:None, None
Weight:209 lbsYears of Pro Service:7 Years
  Arbitration Eligibility:Not yet eligible
Position:SPMinor League Option Years:3 option years left
Throws:LeftContract Extension -
Status:Completely RestedDrafted-
Morale:NormalLocal Popularity (National)Unknown (Unknown)
Pitching Ratings (OSA)
Overall22244292-94 Mph 
Versus LHP242747 
Versus RHP222340 
Pitching Ratings  Pitches:Fastball, Changeup, Curveball, Slider, Sinker, Splitter
Groundball Pct.:38   
Holding Runners:42   
Batting Ratings (OSA)
BattingContactGapPowerDiscipline/EyeAvoid K's 
Versus LHP322332015 
Versus RHP322332015 
Running & Bunting Ratings  Fielding Ratings
Running Speed:19 Pitcher 67
Stealing Ability:33 
Baserunning Instincts:11 
Sacrifice Bunt:92 
Bunt for Hit:27 
Hitter Type:Spray Hitter 
Game Log, Last 10 Games
Career Pitching Stats
Career Minor League Pitching Stats
2013 Caprica - A262727101004.00171.01838176105271201.37.29423.4
2014 Caprica - A27262641303.79154.1136746585690201.24.2629.4
2015 Kalmar - AA2837136823.53107.091524283956001.21.23920.0
2016 Arizona Bay - AAA29700106.4615.1161111195001.63.300-1.2
Total SDMBAAA700106.4615.1161111195001.63.300-1.2
Total SDMBAA37136823.53107.091524283956001.21.23920.0
Total SDMBA5353142303.90325.131915514118108161401.31.28032.7
Career Fielding Stats
2013 Caprica - AP272711161292.931171.01.42
2014 Caprica - AP262612203342.941154.11.87
2015 Kalmar - AAP37135140201.950107.01.60
2016 Arizona Bay - AAAP70010101.00015.10.59
Player History
01-01-2014OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 22 (3); Movement: 34 (4); Control: 25 (3).
01-01-2015OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 21 (3); Movement: 34 (4); Control: 33 (4).
01-01-2016OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 17 (2); Movement: 29 (3); Control: 41 (5).
05-15-2016Released by the Los Angeles organization.
01-01-2018OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 22 (3); Movement: 24 (3); Control: 42 (5).
01-01-2018Retired from professional baseball.

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