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Player Report for #41 Lee Gay
Saturday, October 10th, 2020

 Rec  0-0
 ERA  0.00
 IP  0.0
 BB  0
 K  0
Name:Lee GayContract:None
Birthday:02-19-1988Signed Through:
Age:32Years of Major League Service:2 Years, 117 Days
Born in:New York (New York)Major League Service Days this Year:None
Height:6' 3"Years on 40-Man Roster:2 Years, 101 Days
Weight:214 lbsYears of Pro Service:11 Years
  Arbitration Eligibility:Not yet, but possibly eligible after this season
Position:MRMinor League Option Years:Out of option years
Throws:RightContract Extension -
Status:Completely RestedDrafted-
Morale:NormalLocal Popularity (National)Unknown (Unknown)
Pitching Ratings (OSA)
Overall64516990-92 Mph 
Versus LHP644568 
Versus RHP645771 
Pitching Ratings  Pitches:Fastball, Changeup, Curveball, Slider, Splitter
Groundball Pct.:56   
Holding Runners:89   
Batting Ratings (OSA)
BattingContactGapPowerDiscipline/EyeAvoid K's 
Versus LHP133783316 
Versus RHP133783316 
Running & Bunting Ratings  Fielding Ratings
Running Speed:17 Pitcher 67
Stealing Ability:12 
Baserunning Instincts:24 
Sacrifice Bunt:37 
Bunt for Hit:24 
Hitter Type:Spray Hitter 
Game Log, Last 10 Games
Career Pitching Stats
2012 Total - SDMB24100000.002.0200001001.00.0000.0
2014 Los Angeles - SDMB26300005.794.2433123001.29.214-0.3
2015 Los Angeles - SDMB276807014.4277.179413873361001.45.3167.8
2016 Los Angeles - SDMB285407104.1161.174332892155001.55.3638.7
2017 Los Angeles - SDMB292401005.6430.138231941723001.81.343-1.1
Total SDMB 150015114.51175.2197100882173143001.54.33915.2
Career Minor League Pitching Stats
2013 Caprica - A251503103.1625.223993523001.09.2825.7
2013 Kalmar - AA251902103.7229.021121221127001.10.2534.6
2014 Kalmar - AA264606202.8469.255302223558001.29.27217.5
2015 Arizona Bay - AAA27901134.158.211440410001.73.4230.6
Total SDMBAAA901134.158.211440410001.73.4230.6
Total SDMBAA6508303.1098.276423444685001.24.26722.2
Total SDMBA1503103.1625.223993523001.09.2825.7
Career Fielding Stats
2013 Kalmar - AAP190120301.00029.00.93
2013 Caprica - AP150161701.00025.22.45
2014 Los Angeles - MLP30110201.0004.23.86
2014 Kalmar - AAP4603101141.92969.21.68
2015 Los Angeles - MLP68031111401.00077.11.63
2015 Arizona Bay - AAAP90100101.0008.21.04
2016 Los Angeles - MLP5405601101.00061.11.61
2017 Los Angeles - MLP240120301.00030.10.89
Player History
01-01-2014OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 65 (7); Movement: 54 (6); Control: 61 (7).
05-31-2014Was selected to the 2014 SDMB Double A All-Star Game.
01-01-2015OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 68 (7); Movement: 62 (7); Control: 73 (8).
11-13-2015Received a 1-year contract worth a total of $300,000 through automatic renewal.
01-01-2016OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 75 (8); Movement: 58 (6); Control: 76 (8).
01-01-2018OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 67 (7); Movement: 59 (6); Control: 73 (8).
01-01-2019OSA scouting updated ratings (potential): Stuff: 64 (7); Movement: 51 (6); Control: 69 (7).
01-01-2019Retired from professional baseball.
Leader Boards Appearances

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